When you are working on crate training with your new dog or puppy, always take steps to let them know it's their home. Leave food near or inside the crate and leave the door open. This will cause them to associate good things, such as eating, with their crate.
A clicker and a few treats can be a very effective method of training your dog. Because a clicker can be easier for a dog to understand than a voice command, lessons can be quick and productive. Training sessions should not be longer than about fifteen minutes, since dogs do have short attention spans.
Don't interact with your dog when you are frustrated or angry. Simply put your dog up and take a break. Training will proceed much more efficiently when you return. Each of you will be rested, have a fresh outlook, and be ready to tackle that seemingly elusive training task once again.
Watch your demeanor when you are training your dog. You need to remain calm, but assertive at all times. Do not show anger or raise your voice. If you do this, your dog will require you to shout commands in order to follow them, if this is how he is trained.
When training your dog to specific commands, don't mix in pleasantries and other extra words. Give the command word sharply and alone. Your dog doesn't understand words like "please", and won't be upset at your lack of manners. Keeping the commands alone and clear makes it easier for your dog to understand and obey.
If your dog barks and growls at strangers in your home, do this: leash your dog, make him sit, wait until his attention is on you, and hand the leash, in full view of the dog, to your guest. Then wait until the dog is calm again, with the guest giving commands as needed. This teaches the dog that your guest ranks above him in "the pack" and he must accept them. When the dog starts to react again, repeat the exercise.
Use food as a reward when training your dog. Many dogs will respond on a basic level to edibles. The reward of food will usually encourage them to continue on a food winning path. Vary the types of treats you get for your dog. Alternate fresh meat with packaged treats.
Avoid aggressive dog training techniques such as "rolling." Dogs are domesticated pets, not wild pack animals so it is ineffective to treat a dog like a wolf, despite the advice of certain television personalities. Aggressive training does not inspire trust and loyalty, both of which are essential for successful dog training.
Spend time each day training your dog, even if for only a few minutes a day.
churo respond well when they get to practice what they are learning and what they have learned. Practicing at least 15 minutes a day on commands your dog already knows keeps the dog in practice.
Your dog needs an hour or more of exercise every day along with any training or bathroom breaks. By allowing your dog ample play time, he will be more willing to pay attention during training time. Dogs that exercise are happier and more responsive.
Start your dog off on the right foot by installing good habits early on. It is much more difficult to break a dog's bad habits, than to teach it correct behavior in the beginning. To avoid begging at the table, avoid giving the dog food off the table to begin with.
Training a dog is a great experience. Seeing how your pet develops good behavior and respect for your command you is a rewarding experience and well worth your time. Training a dog should be treated as an opportunity to have fun instead of a chore, so have fun trying out the suggestions in this article!