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Your dog can be considered a member of your family. Much in the same way that you would train and correct your children, it is important to do that for your dog as well. How can you expect them to behave if you haven't taught them what that means? Read on

If you have gotten a new dog or puppy, you should work on training them right away. If they are going to be indoor dogs, you can start crate training them . This prevents bathroom accidents or your items being chewed on. Start off with the right sized crate, so that they have enough room in the crate to move around a bit.

When you do give your dog correction verbally, make those corrections short, sharp and to the point. Avoid going on a rant about the dog's "badness". Just say no and show them the behavior you expect. Additionally, you can raise the tone of your voice for emphasis.

Training your dog is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your pet. Teach your dog one command at a time. Tell your dog to sit, and when they do, give them a treat. Once they have mastered one command, you can move on to the next. Training your dog will provide a more peaceful relationship between you and your pet. Your dog will know that you are in command, and listen to what you want them to do.

Dog training is not something that is easy to do properly, which means you should do your homework. Learning how to train poker online terpercaya is almost as important as learning about dog behaviors and how they interact in a pack. Knowing what your dog expects from a pack leader makes training the animal much easier.

Dog training sessions should occur at the same time each day, if possible. Dogs, much like children, can thrive on a set schedule. This pattern will promote a learning environment in which your dog is eager to learn at the given time. Sporadic training causes confusion within your pet and can prolong the training.

If possible, position your dog's crate next to your bed. This is a critical step in teaching him that is where you want him to sleep. Since you are still within sight he isn't as likely to panic about having to stay in the crate for an extended period of time.

You want to begin your dog training as early as possible, but not too early. You want to wait until the dog is at least 49 days old before you begin trying to train them. But after that, you'll want to begin quickly so that your dog can learn while he's still adapting to his environment, and you don't have to undo behavior that he's already learned.

Be consistent when training your dog. Your furry buddy will be easily confused when you vary your routine too much. Always give the same encouragement for a job well done. Use the same phrases to help your dog recognize what words are for what actions. Always say 'good dog' and don't vary the tone.

Encourage your dog's cooperation in training by rewarding good behavior. Dogs respond to a calm, confident leader who earns respect. When your dog responds to commands make sure you reward him with play or food, and make sure you reward easy commands as well as harder ones to build his confidence.

Be consistent when you're training your dog. Your dog doesn't understand what your praises mean. Pick one form of praise to use such as: "Good Girl" or "Well Done" and use the same phrase every single time. This will teach your dog that you are praising him or her, and when your dog hears the chosen phrase, he or she will understand it is a compliment.

The dog in your life is very important to you. Your relationship will only be helped by having good training and discipline now. You can focus more on having fun with your dog when you aren't always concerned about what trouble he is causing. Use the tips from this article to get started.